Italian baroque church was built between 1663-1688 by two Italian architects (Agostino Barelli and Enrico Zuccalli)
It was built to celebrate the birth of a baby boy to Princess Henriette Adelaide.
God made us, humans, to have a freedom. One of the most important thing that we used to forget about it. We use it, but not realize it with heart. We use it, but not thank for it. And if we went up in a wrong choice, we shout to God and say "Why do You plan the bad thing?". And (I think) God will answer "I give you choices that you can choose. But instead, inside is a secret."
Yes, for me, God gives many choices which we don't know what is inside of it.
It just a box with a game, not easy, not hard, it is normal. But then we can see that we are different. In thinking and feeling. One think 'I am the best, I can face it'. While the other think 'It is too hard. No way I can do it'. Or maybe they think 'I am okay. It is just fine with me'.
Which one are you?
We can be the three of it, or one of it, or two of it. And if there are two person take the same box, it doesn't mean that they will have the same inside. It is depend on how you look in it, and how you react with it. Maybe at the first, both are still happy. But then one of them says 'Not good'. and the other says 'It is good'. everyone have a different think and feel.
So, which way did you take? which box do you want to open next?
I was choosing the black box. And I was in the darkest place I have ever been.
But then, God gave me another box. And I choosed the white one.
And now I am on the way to the bright place in front of me. I know it is still far away.
But I believe in God, that He will give me the best for me. Even there are too much nails on the way there. And I want to do it as God says. I want to go wherever He takes me.
And I will see that the real present from Him, is my life.
I love live in my life, with God beside me.
Thank You Lord.
I love You..
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