Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

What Are These Meanings For You?

What is the meaning of your life?
What about your love?
How's your parents?
And your friend?
Are you happy with that?

Do you choose your own way for living?
Do you still need your parents? Or do they need you?
Do you really want to spend your life with your love?
Or just for yourself?
Do you have a true friend? Or do you have many of them?
Do you think they really mean it? Or do they take advantages from you?

Do you happy with all of that?
Are you sure?

Then what are they for you?

Will you be like them when you are in their position?
I know that it will be yes..
of course it is. because you live with them,
you adapt with them.
you act like them.
you don't realize that you are the same as them.

So what would you expected for?
Do you think they will do as you wish?
They will do if you do the same.
Because no one wants to be different but far from others.
I mean, everyone wants to be different.
But everyone doesn't want to be others.
Because everybody will say that "You've changed. I don't like you"
But sometimes, they will say "I like you now more than yesterday"

And when you take a look back a bit,
you will find that you're better when you're you.

Kamis, 09 September 2010

Love and Life: Choices

When you have to choose between love and life, which one will you choose? And why do you choose that one? Can't you choose both? Don't think so, huh?

Yeah, I don't think you can choose both of them. But I know, that you can get both of them. Maybe not in the same time. But I believe that you will get it. No matter what people think. It just about what you think of.

I had an experience about this. I had to choose between my love and my life. I couldn't leave my life stop because of him. But I also couldn't stop my love for him. And I just believed that someday I will get my love without stopping my life. That was why I chose to follow the river of life. The path that I had been given. The path that I asked from God. And the path that I founded in another world.

I don't know where it leads me. I don't know if the destination is the same with I was imagine about. But I just only can believe that it is the best way for me. I trust God who showed me the path. And I will walk in it.

And about love, I am still not sure yet. I just take it as easy as normal. Because I know that I don't have any strength to face both in one time. But I hope that I can get the love again. Because love will never die.

What about you? Do you have an experience? Tell me... so I can think more and write more blogs for all of you...

Love you guys...

Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

Love GOD

Meidiana Jap thanks GOD
5 hours ago · ·

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    • Jap Anugerah Mengapa engkau tertawa anakku?Apa ada yg lucu?
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    • Meidiana Jap koq jd TUHAN? heh?a mudenk
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    • Jap Anugerah Aku sedang pinjam facebook anugerah dulu,kemaren facebookku kena hack..
      Aku tak mau rasa terima kasihmu tak mendapat jawaban dariku,anakku..
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    • Meidiana Jap ha? kena hack? in cc ato siapa c? ummm... yawdah mw isti aj deh yah ci.... jd bgung
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    • Jap Anugerah Aku Yesus,anakku..
      Tidurlah jika engkau mengantuk..
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    • Meidiana Jap iyah.... thanks yah... hmmmm bgung tpi aku
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    • Jap Anugerah Mengapa engkau bingung anakku?
      Ada aku disini..
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    • Meidiana Jap bneran niwh TUHAN? koq isa ol?
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    • Jap Anugerah Iya benar anakku,apakah aku pernah berbohong?
      Semua fasilitas ada di surga anakku,termasuk internet..
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    • Meidiana Jap wowww.... mening ksana dunkz drpd dsini.. ga enaq..... koq isa pkek cc pny? mank tw pass ny TUHAN?
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    • Jap Anugerah Aku mahatahu anakku,bahkan passwordmu pun aku tau..
      Jangan pernah mencobai aku,anakku..
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    • Meidiana Jap maaph ga mksd mncobai koq... kn aku cmn tny... in cc yah? jgn bwa nama TUHAN smbrangan lowh ci....
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    • Jap Anugerah Baiklah ku maafkan..
      Kau tidurlah,jangan pikirkan tentang ini lagi,ingatlah bahwa aku akan selalu bersamamu..
      4 hours ago ·
    • Meidiana Jap iyah...thanks yah GOD... love u GOD
      4 hours ago ·

This conversation, I have no comment for it...
Just to share, a good thing about Facebook. hehehe

Love God always..

Live in Your Own Life, not Others

"I want to be her".
"I am not as strong as her, you know".
"I can not sing like her".
"I can not be like her".

It is what anybody can say and anybody used to say.
==What you say, is that come from your brain, and you will get as the same as what you said==
If you don't believe it, then you can try it. Any word that comes out from your mouth, will be true. Because what you said and what you think is a command to universe. And it depends, if you really want it and you used to say it, the faster you get it.

I used to say that I wanted to be free, I wanted to be somebody else. But, what I got was more problems, I was not as free as now. And I became sad and mad. And the bad thing was when I couldn't cry...

==Laugh when you happy, Cry when you sad. And see the beautifull world==

I was hoping I could do that. But the next day, I really did it. I cried, and then I saw the rainbow. It was not sooooooo beautifull maybe. But as you could feel it, you would see something different as a beautifull thing after you felt the sadness.

I was hoping I can do it again. And when I didn't cry for what really made me sad, I felt so sad. It was getting worse and worst. I wanted to be like everybody else, who was strong and not a 'crybaby'. And it was getting worse and worst. Until I could not hold it anymore. Until I felt so depresed. Then I just cried, I said "I need love" to myself. But my words didn't come out to anybody, who I believe they could give me love. I just cried and cried. Until I felt really weak. And I knew I had to be me. No matter what, I needed to face it, I needed to be myself.

So I started again to be myself. I just let my tears fell down. Even though it was just a bit, but I felt better. I could feel that I was not that strong, and I admited that I was sad.

I don't want to be others anymore, it is not as beautifull as I think. I want to face my own destiny. Because that is what God wants me to do. He wants me to do 'these' not 'those'. He wants me to be me, not her. He wants to see the real smile and happiness that He had prepared, not the one that I copy. He wants me to live in my life, not others. He wants everyone to always praise and thank and remember, that He is God of all. And we as the parts of His Kingdom.

Thanks Lord

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

God is The Only One Way We Live in Life with Love

Italian baroque church was built between 1663-1688 by two Italian architects (Agostino Barelli and Enrico Zuccalli)
It was built to celebrate the birth of a baby boy to Princess Henriette Adelaide.

God made us, humans, to have a freedom. One of the most important thing that we used to forget about it. We use it, but not realize it with heart. We use it, but not thank for it. And if we went up in a wrong choice, we shout to God and say "Why do You plan the bad thing?". And (I think) God will answer "I give you choices that you can choose. But instead, inside is a secret."

Yes, for me, God gives many choices which we don't know what is inside of it.
It just a box with a game, not easy, not hard, it is normal. But then we can see that we are different. In thinking and feeling. One think 'I am the best, I can face it'. While the other think 'It is too hard. No way I can do it'. Or maybe they think 'I am okay. It is just fine with me'.

Which one are you?
We can be the three of it, or one of it, or two of it. And if there are two person take the same box, it doesn't mean that they will have the same inside. It is depend on how you look in it, and how you react with it. Maybe at the first, both are still happy. But then one of them says 'Not good'. and the other says 'It is good'. everyone have a different think and feel.

So, which way did you take? which box do you want to open next?
I was choosing the black box. And I was in the darkest place I have ever been.
But then, God gave me another box. And I choosed the white one.
And now I am on the way to the bright place in front of me. I know it is still far away.
But I believe in God, that He will give me the best for me. Even there are too much nails on the way there. And I want to do it as God says. I want to go wherever He takes me.
And I will see that the real present from Him, is my life.
I love live in my life, with God beside me.
Thank You Lord.
I love You..

Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

Love and Life

Sometimes, you will get both.
For sure, they will make you smile.
And someday, you will lose one of them.
For sure, it will make you sad.
But maybe, you will lose both.
Definetly, you will think and cry.

And then, you realize that actually you have both.
In your hands, and in what you wanted.
It just that you are not honest to your heart.

And after that, you will get another or both of them again.
In different situation and difeferent kind.
And you will laugh so loud.And maybe your neighbour will say "Shut Up!"

I lost my life that day. I wasn't regret.
Until I got my love and I thought that I got my life, and it was better.
But actually I got a worse life.
And now I lose my love, and I get a better life to move on.
I have to live my life. With a love it will be great.
There will be a great life. Live happily.
And last but not least.
I get a great life in a great way.
I like it. I like to live in my life which full of love.

Minggu, 18 April 2010

Grow A Day Older : Dewi "Dee" Lestari

Grow A Day Older

See the sunrise
Know it's time for us to pack up all the past
And find what truly lasts
If everything has been written down, so why worry, we say
It's you and me with a little left of sanity
If life is ever changing, so why worry, we say
It's still you and I with silly smile as we wave goodbye
And how will it be? Sometimes we just can't see
A neighbor, a lover, a joker
Or a friend you can count on forever?
How happy, how tragic, how sorry?
The sun's still up and life remains a mystery
So, would it be nice to sit back in silence?
Despite all the wisdom and the fantasies
Having you close to my heart as I say a little grace
I'm thankful for this moment cause
I know that you

Grow a day older and see how this sentimental fool can be
When she tires to write a birthday song
When she thinks so hard to make your day
When she's getting lost in all her thoughts
When she waits a whole day to say...
"I'm thankful for this moment cause I know that I
Grow a day older and see how this sentimental fool can be
When he ache his arms to hold me tight
When he picks up lines to make me laugh
When he's getting lost in all his calls
When we can't wait to say : "I love you."

If everything has been written down, so why worry, we say
It's you and me with a little left of sanity


nice song... love it so much...

dari lagu ini kadang saya sering berpikir, kalau cinta itu memang benar2 murni...
tidak bisa dipaksa, dan seharusnya tidak memaksa...
cinta itu harus diungkapkan jangan cuma dipendam..

tapi cinta tidak hanya untuk lawan jenis kita seorang, atau karir kita sendiri,
maupun diri egois kita ini..

cinta itu adalah energi yang kuat dimana banyak hal negatif kalah oleh energinya.
cinta itu adalah sesuatu alamiah yang dialami setiap orang, bahkan setiap makhluk hidup, setiap sel, setiap atomnya...
cinta itu adalah sesuatu syarat untuk tetap hidup di dunia ini...

cinta memberikan kekuatan, memberi warna dan rasa dalam hidup,
dan juga melukiskan seulas senyum di wajah setiap orang...

cinta diberikan dari Sang Pencipta, disebarkan oleh Utusan-Nya,
dan dilestarikan oleh kita, dilanjutkan perjalanannya..
kepada orang sekitar, makhluk hidup lain, bahkan benda matipun...

bayangkan apabila di dunia tidak ada cinta...
bahkan prajurit yang berperang tidak semua dipaksa namun, karena kecintaannya pada bangsanya
sehingga ia memutuskan untuk berjuang mempertahankannya...

How is your love? is it in your life? do you like live in it?
tell me next time...

L is for the way you LOOK at me
O is for the only ONE I see
V is very, VERY extraordinary
E is EVEN more than anyone that you adore

bahasa indonesia-nya:
lihatlah sesuatu itu lebih sering.
.. dan kenalilah maka kau akan mencintainya dan menyayanginya bahkan lebih dari dirimu sendiri ..
So, Live in Life with Love
- Strifie -